Cennet Kapısı
Söz: Şah İsmail Hatayi
Beste: Tovas Porvas
Açıldı cennet kapısı
Girebilirsen gel beri
Kıldan incedir köprüsü
Geçebilirsen gel beri
Canlar melek canıdır
Ten Süleyman tenidir
Suyum arslan kanıdır
İçebilirsen gel beri
Bahçelerin gülüyüm
Ayn-i cem bülbülüyüm
Kırk kapı kilidiyim
Açabilirsen gel beri
Hatayi’m eyder heman
Dağı bürüdü duman
İşte İncil ü Kur’an
Seçebilirsen gel beri
The Gate of Heaven
Lyrics: Shah Ismail Khatai
Music: Tovas Porvas
The gate of heaven thrown wide
Come close if you can enter
The bridge to it is a thin strand
Come close if you can cross
Souls that are of angels
Skin that of Süleyman
Lion’s blood is my water
Come close if you can imbibe
I, the rose of the gardens
I, the nightingale of the Jem
I, the lock to the forty doors
Come close if you can unlock
Hatayi, shout it out at once
Mist is up as mountain’s shroud
Here’s Bible and here’s Quran
Come close if you can pick out
Haber Ver
Söz: Bayrek Kuşçuoğlu
Beste: Tovas Porvas
Gel ey mana ahli Erkan’dan haber ver
Vücudunda ne var ondan haber ver
Deryaya girdin cevher çıkardın
Sarrafına göster ondan haber ver
Tuba ağacının nedir meyvesi
Onun gül çiçekli barından haber ver
Kuşçuoğlu ceht eyle yara yanaş
Yara yanaştığın andan haber ver
Let It Be Known
Lyrics: Bayrek Kuşçuoğlu
Music: Tovas Porvas
Come, adept at meaning, let decency be known
Let what lies within your being be known
You indulged in the ocean, extracting its essence
Present to its master and let that be known
The blessed tree of heaven bears what
Let its rose-flowered bosom be known
Kuşçuoğlu, strive to advance towards your beloved
Let the moment of your approach be known
Bir Bir
Söz: Cavit Murtezaoğlu
Beste: Tovas Porvas
Gece gündüzüm bir olmuş bir
Can bütünleşmiş pir olmuş pir
Kör var içten gör olmuş
Gözlü var içten kör olmuş
Gece gündüzüm bir olmuş bir
Can bütünleşmiş pir olmuş pir
Dünya aşığa dar olmuş dar
Darda can ruh yok ser olmuş ser
Hakta eriyen yar olmuş yar
Yokta yok olan var olmuş var
Gece gündüzüm bir olmuş bir
Can bütünleşmiş pir olmuş pir
Become One
Lyrics: Cavit Murtezaoğlu
Music: Tovas Porvas
My night and day have merged, become one
The soul has merged, become a saint
That blind one has gained inner sight
That sighted one has become a blind inside
My night and day have merged, become one
The soul has merged, become a saint
The world did mistreat the lover
Soul in hardship, spirit gone, ceased
Beloved is who melted in the divine
Arose the one lost in nothingness
My night and day have merged, become one
The soul has merged, become a saint
Söz:Mevlana Calaleddin Rumi
Beste: Tovas Porvas
Amadeam ke sar naham,eshghe tora be sar baram
Var to beguyiyem ke ney,ney shekanam shekar baram
Amadeam cho aghlo jan az hame dideha Nahan
Ta suye jane didegan mashaleye nazar baram
Ust neshaste dar nazar man be koca nazar konam
Ust gerefte shahre del man be koja safar baram
İn ghazalam cavabe an bade ke dasht pishe man
Goft bokhor nemikhori pishe kasi degar baram
I have come to lay my life before you
Lyrics: Rumi (Jalāl al-Dīn Muḥammad Rūmī)
Music: Tovas Porvas
I have come to lay my life before you
I have come to lay my life before you
I seek your love
If you are to cast me out from your threshold,
I shall break my reed and drink of its nectar
Invisible, I have come before you! Invisible, as is the soul
I have come for your light, to open the eyes and soul who seek you
He has filled my eyes with Him, He is my one need. Why should I ever look for anything else?
He lives within my heart, why should I ever travel anywhere else?
He poured the wine of his love into my cup
this poem was born from that wine
He called: drink up! Or else I shall take my wine to another!